Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012

Paranormal Lasers-Be Warned

The use of lasers for paranormal investigation has become very popular over the years, and who would not use one? With them being shown on popular paranormal television shows from T.A.P.S. to Ghost Adventures, their bright green allure is hard to resist. The potentail to capture a shadow or other anomolie when using one of these devices is indeed legitimate, but they do come with risks, some being as severe as blindness. Yes, that's right, I did say blindness! However, before we get into the health risks, let's talk about the legal & financial risks. Yep, there are legal risks, as well as risks of you wasting your money on these cheap items!

I have purchased many of these lasers found online, some from sellers here on eBay and some directly from manufacturers in China. If you are looking at these lasers, I am sure you will notice that most of them have a power rating of 5mw (milliwatts). The reason for this is simple; since laser pointers became readily available, they have been misused, leading to the development of laws and regulations. Anything over 5mw is illegal to sell and own in the United States, unless special permits are issued. In fact, the U.S. is not the only country to have restrictions on lasers. Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Sweden and the Netherlands all join the family, some with wattage requirements as low as 1mw! The restrictions imposed are for our own safety, mainly our eyes, however, they are also imposed for the safety of others, such as pilots and public service officers. There have been reports of police officers drawing their weapons on those aiming lasers at them, in fear that a loaded weapon was being pointed. If you point anything over 5mw at an aircraft, they are bound by federal law to report you, and report you they will! Just last year, an Southern California man was sentenced to 2.5 years in federal prison for aiming his laser at an approaching commercial airliner, blinding the pilot.

Buyer be warned! While the lasers you find for paranormal use on eBay state a 5w rating, most are brighter. Just around a year ago, eBay (forced by federal law) removed all listings of lasers which stated power ratings higher than 5mw. Even Amazon was forced to remove their listings as well. Even some US sellers I had purchased from in the past, no longer offered them. Back then, most lasers being sold for paranormal use were 30mw and 50mw. Online stores specializing in paranormal equipment, also sold them as 50mw rated. So, in order for sellers to keep selling their lasers, all they simply did was fail to mention how bright they truly were in their listings, stated that they are just 5mw and policy makers looked the other way. Not at their fault of course, sites like eBay just simply can't police every listing, and generally take a seller's word that what they are listing does not violate eBay policy, even more so when the listing passes through the sites posting algorithm security measures. Look at the listings here and other places on the Internet, you will find them using terms like "5X Brighter" or Extremely Bright", even posting a video of the laser in action, with an output way brighter than 5mw. Sometimes the seller will not even post the rating, in fear that a 5mw rating will scare away a potential customer, giving it a fancy new name like "New & Improved" or "Upgraded". The fact is, after extensive investigation, I have found that over 90% of the lasers being sold for paranormal use, are over the 5mw limit, including those being sold right here! Another thing, the lasers that were sold with 30mw and 50mw ratings, were not even close to the claimed power output, but still dangerous and illegal!

A true laser with a power output of 30mw can light a match head on fire, pop a black balloon, even burn a hole in black plastic! Most of the high power lasers that were sold here and elsewhere, claimed a 30mw rating, but only really produced about 12mw to 15mw, and just did not pass the test. This was a clever trick for the manufacturers in China (where 99% of these cheap lasers are made) to use. Yes, it's true that the laser did produce 30mw, but for only 1/10th of a second, so quick that it can only be caught with special meters! Most sellers who were claiming 30mw or 50mw trusted what the manufacturer was telling them and listed them that way, not knowing the truth. I am even certain that China, manufacturers are putting lower wattage ratings on higher power lasers, making the problem even worse. It's not about safety or following the rules, it's about money, which is why many sellers on here and elsewhere, continue to sell them, knowing full well that it is against policy. I can find at least 3 listings right now that were selling these lasers at 50mw a year ago, and now state they are only 5mw with no loss in brightness! The simple truth is; a 5mw laser is not bright enough to be used for paranormal purposes! It is simply not enough light, and it's common sense. While these lasers currently being sold are really 12mw or so, they are still extremely bright...far brighter than a 5mw the law allows. Go to you local Walmart or pet store and purchase a 5mw laser, and compare them, you will see the difference for yourself.

So, now you know that if you are purchasing a laser bright enough to see a shadow or ghost, that your are purchasing an illegal item, and supporting dishonesty. You also need to know about the medical risks. A common trick used by manufacturers, and even some sellers online, is to perform what is called "POT MOD". They simply purchase a true 5mw pen laser, ( like those found on eBay) remove the laser module and adjust the pot (potentiometer) inside with a small screwdriver until the laser reaches a brighter level. This is extremely dangerous, and for good reasons. One, the laser's diode is not rated for this type of power and will eventually fail after prolonged use, and two, it can cause severe skin burns. I tried one of these pot mods myself on a 5mw laser, and after using it on an investigation for only 20 minutes, it burned the tips of 3 of my fingers when I attempted to pick it up! Not exactly the kind of item I wanted in my paranormal arsenal. Speaking of diodes failing, also be aware that laser pointers are not designed to be run for great amounts of time. They are pointers made for presentation purposes, designed to be used for 10-20 seconds, not 10-20 minutes like sellers would make you believe! If a seller is telling you you can use a laser pointer longer than 20 minutes, then make your purchase elsewhere! Most manufacturers will state in the owner's manual that they are not to be run longer than 20 minutes to avoid diode damage. I even had a few sellers forget to remove the included manufacture owner's manuals when they shipped my lasers, and the manual directly contradicted their listings! Not what I would call an honest seller! Sure, they will work for an hour, but wait and see how long that $30 laser is going to last you before you purchase another one! Quality control of manufacturing also leaves much to be desired. I purchase a shipment of 10 so called "30mw" lasers from china, and only 5 of them worked longer than a few weeks, with the 2 having issues after only 5 minutes and 3 of them not working at all. If you are purchasing these lasers for paranormal use, then be prepared to purchase a lot of them with frequent use.

These lasers are also bad for your eyes. The output of laser pointers available to the general public is limited (and varies by country) in order to prevent accidental damage to the retina. The U.K. Health Protection Agency recommended that laser pointers made generally available to the public should be restricted to less than 1mw as no injuries have been reported at this power, and even 5mw is still dangerous, although still legal. Studies have found that even laser beams of 5mw can cause permanent retinal damage in a few seconds, but in practice it is not possible to stare at such a bright light for more than an instant; laser pointers can cause afterimage burn, flash blindness and glare, but not permanent damage, and are generally safe to use unless looked at for longer than 10 seconds. Even the glare produced by a 5mw laser can be just as lethal. Prolonged exposure to laser glare, like that off of a white painted wall, can contribute to blindness. So, not only are these lasers bad for your eyes, they can be bad for your equipment as well! Any laser brighter that 5mw has the potential to burn out the CCD sensor in any camera, and I have even confirmed this! I once fried a CMOS CCD sensor in one of my static IR cameras with a laser rated for 30mw.

Hopefully this guide well help you decide if using a laser grid or ghost laser is right for you. Most being sold for paranormal purposes are illegal and dangerous, while at the same time not having good quality. If you are purchasing one of these, you are not only risking your money, but you are also risking your health and possible fines and or jail time. I would be willing to bet, that anybody offering these for paranormal use, regardless of the seller, who states only a 5mw rating, are selling lasers that are not the stated wattages, and would not have the documentation to prove otherwise. Ask the seller to make sure it has the legal 5mw rating sticker on it. If it states otherwise, or has no sticker, then the seller has removed it! Never buy any laser without the required power rating sticker applied, or one that looks like it has been removed and reapplied. Be careful when buying and using any laser! There is a reason we call them lasers; L.A.S.E.R. stands for Light Amplified Stimulation Emissions of Radiation, and if it has the words "High Power" or "Extremely Bright", then it can't be good for your eyes. Do the math; High Power+Radiation=Illegal & Dangerous! This risks of using such devices for paranormal investigation far outweigh the possible rewards, especially when most of our attempts to gather the type of evidence these lasers promise, results in wasted money and time anyway.

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